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Regular Price : SGD $119.00
Limited Time Special : SGD $19.90 ONLY

You will receive :

Analysis based on traditional classical Feng Shui on your home layout

Page by page easy to understand graphical illustrations

Essential Feng Shui tips that will help home owners to maintain good flow and avoid the bad flow areas of the house

Likewise to many other happy home owners, find and fix that correct balance for your home!


Check the Feng Shui flow of your house today with the limited time discount!

Regular Price : SGD $299.00
Limited Time Special : SGD $39.90 ONLY

You will receive :

COMPREHENSIVE FULL BREAKDOWN on all Feng Shui regions in the house shown in page by page easy to understand graphical illustrations

Analysis based on traditional classical Feng Shui on your home layout

Essential Feng Shui tips that will help home owners to maintain good flow and avoid the bad flow areas of the house

Likewise to many other happy home owners, find and fix that correct balance for your home!


Check the Feng Shui flow of your house today with the limited time discount!

identify and Fix the bad areas in your home now.

Singapore HDB Owners

HDB home owners who do not have their floorplans may purchase it for a nominal fee at the following HDB website link.


Hi all homeowners, thank you for visiting this website. I believe everyone would like to improve the flow of Qi in their life or at least maintain the right kind of flow in their home.

Feng Shui has always been a part of my life since a very young age. My grandfather was a Feng Shui master for as long as I can remember. Growing up around him has always piqued my interest in the mystics. He would often indulge me by letting me tag along for his consultation sessions or peruse his library of books on Feng Shui.

Nowadays I work full-time as an IT professional but this interest has stuck on with me and I have since done intensive reading and research on Feng Shui. Expectedly, there appears to be conflicting views and ideas from different schools of thoughts and the deeper you delve in the more apparent the contradictions appear. I have to admit that Feng Shui need not be too complicated and the high cost that comes with it.

For example, we do not need to look at the details of every individual staying in a particular house because the readings can change for each individual in different Feng Shui years. Preferably, the more essential thing is to just focus on the general layout of the house. I hope everybody could at least have a basic Feng Shui check on their house to ensure that the flow in their life is smooth.

"Feng Shui need not be too complicated with the high costs which follows the complexity. You just need to get the basics correct"
What We Can Do For You

A balanced flow in your life is a necessity and should not be a luxury. Just knowing what things to avoid in which parts of your house can and will bring a difference to how smooth things will go for you and your family. A house which is maintained in a very clean and neat condition does not automatically mean it has a good flow in it. Vice versa a house may appear in a messy condition but can still maintain a good flow as long as crucial areas are left unobstructed.

For existing homeowners,  it means you do not need to renovate or purchase additional ornaments for your house but instead just follow the clear instructions on what to avoid in which areas of your house.

For people on the lookout for your ideal home, you should also take note of which elements whether it is health, relationship, wealth or career etc. you feel are most important in your current situation and find a home strong in those elements. Because very rarely is there a home that is good in every single aspect of all the elements.

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